
Looking Inside the Twinkie

I am a self proclaimed health food nut and this article in yesterday’s New York Times caught my eye, “Looking Inside the Twinkie.”  It was a blog interview with author Steve Ettlinger about his book, “Twinkie, Deconstructed.”  I thought this was a new book but I found it was actually published in 2007 when I looked for it on Amazon (why is the kindle version more expensive than the hardcover?).  This book looks like a good read.  We eat far too many processed foods and these foods do not hold a nutritional value for us.  Here is a great quote from yesterday’s article:

“They get hard, but they don’t spoil. I’ve got a bunch of them scattered around my office. I’ve got one from 2005 in my hand. It’s a little hard. I don’t think I’d want to eat it. It’s solid, but it hasn’t spoiled. As part of my research, I made Twinkies at home. We made cake from scratch with whole-food ingredients. It was yellow cake and cream filling from whipped cream with sugar and vanilla. It was absolutely delicious, and we devoured most of them right away. I wrapped one in plastic wrap and put it aside, and it was solid green in a week.”

What we put in our bodies is important–what we give our children to eat is even more so.

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